Monday, October 14, 2019
Thematic Independent Study Of Recruitment Proposal Form Management Essay
Thematic Independent Study Of Recruitment Proposal Form Management Essay The title of essay one is Impact of ICT on recruitment and selection. The aim of this report is to identify traditional methods of recruitment and how they have been revolutionized by the emergence of the Internet. In the past few years, the Internet has dramatically changed the face of HR recruitment and the ways organizations think about the recruiting function. Presently, Information Communication Technologies (ICT), which provide enabling technologies to assist Human Resources (Hers) professionals in the delivery of services, have also simultaneously increased the expectations that employees, managers, customers, and regulators have for the HR functions. The feedback I received from essay one is that Internet recruitment is viewed as an important additional tool and traditional methods are continued to be used in recruiting process. The pros of e-recruitment were to identify and reach large of qualified candidates advertise with dispersed location, provide cost effective method, save the recruiting process time and increase image of organizations. The cons of e-recruitment were the discrimination issue forward to Internet non-user, difficult to recruit executive-level talents on the Internet, the digital divide gap between computer literate and illiterate and the risk of overload of resumes. Analysis of Viva process: The viva process went very well and that was after I submitted my both essays to my supervisor. When it came to the Viva (oral defense), I really wanted to do it well. I spent quite more than enough time preparing the viva in the way that I have seen others make similar preparations. After having been informed that I will be required to defend my second essay, I decided that a good presentation comes from good planning and having at hand all the information that anyone might request, so I spent a long time in the preparation and I went feeling confident. As soon as I arrived at the conference where the presentation was taking place, I became nervous when I realized they were all waiting for me to speak and my nerves made me tremble. I did not know how to stop it. later on, I noticed that panelists seemed not to understand what I was saying despite all the preparations I had made. I suddenly calmed myself down, and in no minutes time I found myself flowing and everybody in the room un derstood I had gained momentum. I did it so well and this happened when I decided talking more slowly without trembling. It was interesting because everyone saw a change in my attitude after a very short time, and from there, I personally started seeing things differently. I regained sufficient confidence and was able to discuss matters in greater depth, thus, I felt more positive until the end of the Viva. Title of essay and aim: The title of essay two is Impact of ICT on recruitment and selection, and the main question is whether E-recruitment is an efficient tool for recruitment, and analyzing how beneficial e-recruitment is to organizations implementing it. The aim of this paper was to: Identify what e-recruitment methods are being used, and what are experiences of organizations trying to implement e-recruitment. Establish how organizations are evaluating the success of their e-recruitment initiatives, and establish the level of success being experienced This paper will help to establish a baseline on the use of e-recruitment by organizations, thereby enabling the on-going monitoring of progress and developments in this area. How essay 2 builds on essay 1 Essay two builds on essay one by analyzing the benefits of e-recruitment to organizations implementing it. However, e-recruitment is an efficient method of recruitment due to a number of reasons, most notably for cost reduction, increases the efficiency of the process, reduce time to hire and provide access to a larger and more diverse candidate pool. The most notable benefits reported by organizations having introduced e-recruitment are the cost savings, which have mainly been due to reduced advertising cost, a reduction in the resources required to process applications and a reduction in recruitment agency costs. Other benefits include more efficient management of communication with candidates and the ability to easily report on key performance metrics as a result of internet based tracking systems. It also shows that online recruitment is an improvement but cannot totally replace the traditional recruitment. Thus, increased use of e-recruitment methods and systems is helping to facilitate this trend by removing much of the routine administration involved in recruiting allowing HR to more easily monitor and track recruitment related activities. What I did well or could have done better: What I did well was planning and researching. I came up with really good research based on what I had planned. The communication and listening skills I acquired during the course made me to respond to questions very well and with full confidence. I gathered all the materials and data that I wanted, compiled it before coming up with the final report. Though during report writing, I was not sure whether I was going the right direction as far as the flow was concerned. I kept doing what I thought was right from my own perspective. What I learned: I have learned that planning and preparing for a Viva does not guarantee someone from trembling, but makes you have the information you need at hand. I also noticed how important it is to go back over things I have written about before presenting, for this could make me familiar with what I had written down. There were things I did not know at the time of questions and answer session, and I recognized there were some areas in which I went wrong. This made me realize that the panelists did not understand what I was saying. I have learned that I was not confident enough to present what I had prepared for. I need to think from the beginning about the process of giving a good Viva, as well as being sure about my reliance on what I have prepared/planned in order to have the best Viva. Conclusion: In order to prepare a good Viva or any presentation, good planning is required as well as doing enough research (have enough information at hand). On top of planning, being confident is another important aspect that can lead a person to present a good Viva. If I was confident enough, I am sure I would not have trembled and my oral defense would have been perfectly done from the time I entered the room. I, therefore, would like to encourage students to make sure they have full confidence in mind before attempting any presentation, which for my case was an oral defense (Viva). Mind maps Essays 1 2 Impact of ICT on Recruitment and Selection TIS Essay 1 Introduction Definitions of terms Human Resources information Systems Recruitment methods Traditional Recruitment methods E-recruitment Advantages of E-recruitment Disadvantages of E-recruitment Selection tools for Recruitment Assessment Centers Internet Testing Psychometric Tests Aptitude and Ability Tests Technologies used in Recruitment and Selection Internet Boards Resume Database and Applicant Tracking Technology Online Testing and Assessments Combined Technologies assisting the recruiting and selection process Conclusion TIS Essay 2 Introduction E-recruitment Technology The rise of E-recruitment Personalizing the process The application process Applicant Tracking System Screening Testing Role of Recruiting Agencies Benefits of online recruitment over traditional recruitment Problems/Risks/Limitations of online recruitment Management of information and validation of online recruitment systems Recommendations Conclusion Database Time Spent Search Terms Results (# of records) Evaluation of material (how/what will it contribute to your essay or support your argument?) Grout J and Perrin S Recruiting Excellence: An Insiders Guide to Sourcing Top Talent (McGraw Hill, 2002) ISBN 0077099680 10 Recruitment and Selection Arundhati Ghosh, Junior Faculty Member, E- Recruitment: The Recent Trend of Recruitment Practices, Icfai National College, Garia, Kolkata 10 Impact of ICT on Recruitment and Selection 10 Technologies used in recruitment and Selection, Get to know technologies used in Recruitment and Selection, and their impact to HR functions (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() Recruitment and Selection Get definitions for Selection and Recruitment 20 Selection tools for recruitment Identify selection tools and what they do. Journal10 Personnel Today (Reed Business Information) are a useful journal which often has up-to-date and relevant articles on selection and recruitment practice. 20 Lai, V.S. and Mahapatra, R.K. (1997): Exploring the Research in Information Technology Implementation, Information and Management, Vol.32 pp.187-201. 20 Information technology implementation CIPD (2005) Online Recruitment, [online] (cited 7 December 2005) Available from 20 Online recruitment Advantages and disadvantages of E-recruitment 10 Assessment centres What assessment centers are and what they do Database Time Spent Search Terms Results (# of records) Evaluation of material (how/what will it contribute to your essay or support your argument?) 12 The growth of E-recruitment Statistics showing how e-recruitment has grown 13 Introduction to online recruitment 18 Survey of Disability Discrimination in Employment Flexibility is vital for the future of web recruitment 15 IBM case study, 20 Website recruiting Recruiting survey Lievens F., Harris M. M. (2003) Research on Internet Recruiting and Testing: International review of Industrial and organizational Psychology, Vol. 18, John Wiley and Sons. 10 Internet recruiting and Testing Bartram D. (2001). Testing through the internet: Mapping the issues for managing the future. A practitioner workshop. Practitioner forum at the Division of Occupational Psychology Conference, Winchester, UK. 20 Testing through the Internet Leavy N., Canny M., Heywood S., Parker B., (2005). Catching talent with the Web; The Impact of an Online Application Process on Candidate Pools paper presented at the Psychological society of Ireland Conference, Derry, Northern Ireland 20 The impact on online application process Kerrin M., Kettley P. (2003). E-recruitment: is it delivering? The Institute for Employment Studies, Report number 402. 20 Is E-recruitment delivering? Wolfe H. Hartley V. (2005). The changing role of Recruitment intermediaries, the Institute for Employment Studies, Report 420. 12 Changing role of recruitment intermediaries Nigel Fielding, Raymond M. Lee, Grant Blank.(2008) The SAGE handbook of online research methods P274, SAGE Publications Ltd 10 Online research methods
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